SCC » School Community Council

School Community Council

School Community Councils (SCCs) are advisory groups that help support student learning and well-being in their school and community. They also play an important role in encouraging parents and the community to get involved. SCCs give the community a voice in local education and provide opportunities to work together on programs that support student learning and well-being.

Joining your SCC is a great way to make a difference in your school and community while building connections with teachers, school staff, parents, and community members. If you're interested in joining your SCC or want more information, contact us or email [email protected].
Humboldt Public School Community Council
School Representatives
Paul Strueby Principal
Jennifer Showers Vice Principal
Ashley Schick Teacher
Parent, Community, First Nation Representatives
Caroline Locke Parent Chair
Lindsay Bergerman Parent Vice Chair
Vanessa Lockhart Parent Secretary
Jennifer Burlingham Parent Treasurer
Nicole Reid Community Member  
Sam Campbell Parent  
Teryn Ulriksen Parent  
Jodie Freriks Parent  
Carol Johnson Parent