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About HPS

"Home of the Panthers"
HPS Return to School Plan
MISSION STATEMENT: Humboldt Public School will provide a safe, caring, and respectful environment where school, family, and community support students in achieving their full potential.
VISION STATEMENT: Humboldt Public School continues to strive for the "gold" standard.  We believe ALL students can… LEARN, LEAD, & SUCCEED.
To support our vision we are committed to promoting the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  The 7 Habits will encourage students to practice behaviours that align with our school's core values.
  • Respect for Self & Others
  • Responsibility & Leadership
  • All students have potential
  • Everyone is welcome
  • Integrity – trust, honesty, fairness
  • Parent & Community Engagement


Humboldt Public School Profile
School Profile
Humboldt Public School serves 337 students from Pre-K through grade 8 in Humboldt, SK. Humboldt Public School is the only public elementary school in Humboldt. There are two other similar sized Catholic schools in the city. Students from all three schools go to Humboldt Collegiate Institute when they reach grade 9.
Curriculum and Options
Humboldt Public School follows the provincial curriculum. The school develops a detailed Learning Improvement Plan focusing on the three main pillars of Horizon School Division – Literacy, Safe & Caring, & Assessment.  .  There is an optional band program for grades 5-8. Grades 8 students attend Humboldt Collegiate Institute once a week for practical and applied arts. There are two learning resource teachers who provide additional student support based on the individual needs of students.  The school also has a beautiful library with a large selection of books for students to enjoy.  Humboldt Public School offers a complete elementary extracurricular program including sports, drama, and rec clubs. The school also has a Student Leadership Council for grade 6-8 students.
Humboldt Public School has 24 teachers, 23 support staff including a secretary, 2.5 custodians, a librarian, as well 18 Educational Assistants, we also have a part time counsellor.
Humboldt Public School was originally housed in a three story structure built in 1913 and two additions, one from the 1970's and the other from the 1980's until November 2013 when the original structure was demolished. Our new school construction is now complete, which now includes fourteen classrooms, a computer lab, resource centre, gymnasium, music room/stage, two resource rooms, art room, science room, home economics and industrial arts lab, occupational therapy room, snoezelan room, staff room, servery and office. Humboldt Public School also has a 51 seat daycare. Humboldt Public School makes use of many city facilities such as the museum and Uniplex to help deliver curriculum and extracurricular opportunities.
Humboldt Public School features a technology lab with computers, printers, scanners and a projector, smart board and document reader. All classrooms have at least two computers in our lower elementary grades and three in our more senior grades. We also have laptops, projectors, digital cameras and a digital video camera. All classrooms are equipped with SMARTboards, and document readers, as well as sound field systems. We have  Ipads and Chromebooks to help infuse technology more effectively in our school. Students have many opportunities to explore technology and to infuse it into their learning. Teachers are encouraged to use technology as a tool to aid in student learning and to look for unique and interesting ways to accomplish that.