Week at a Glance March 17-21

HPS Week at a Glance

Please send a water bottle with your child every day

**We do not supply plastic utensils for students so please remember to send in their lunch**

Every student needs a pair of indoor shoes

School drop off for students in the morning is between 8:30-8:45 am

If a student is late they will need to check in at the office by buzzing in at Door #1


Please call, email or let your student's teacher know of any absences or late arrivals that will apply to your student.  Automatic call outs will start at 9:15am and 1:15pm if the school is not informed of late arrivals or absences before 9:05 AM or 1:05 PM.

Phone #: 306-682-2684     Email: [email protected]

The email for teachers is their [email protected] to send them a message.



Mon Mar. 17               Kindergarten Orange

St Patrick’s Day

                                    Last day to book PTI’s online

Grade 7/8 badminton practice from 3:30-4:30.

Safety Patrol – AM Carson & Yohann

                                                              PM Nova & Halle


Tues Mar. 18              Kindergarten Yellow

Gr 7/8 badminton games at HPS, St. Dominic, St. Augustine 3:30-5:00

3:30 - 4:45 - Drama practice on the stage - full cast

Safety Patrol – AM Sarah & Jayden

                                                              PM Avery & Nevaeh


Wed Mar. 19              Kindergarten Orange

Parent/Teacher/Student conferences 4:00 – 6:10 PM

Book Fair 3:30-7:00 PM

Safety Patrol – AM Khloe & Brynlee

                                                              PM Ella & Faithlynn                       


Thurs Mar. 20            Kindergarten Yellow

Parent/Teacher/Student conferences 4:00 – 6:10 PM

Boor Fair 3:30-7:00 PM

Band - Please remember instruments and Music

3:30 - 4:45 - Drama practice on stage/in gym - full cast

Safety Patrol – AM Tyson & Art

                                                              PM Auzlynn & Drew


Fri Mar. 21                  No School for Students – Personal Professional Day for Teachers



Please talk to your students about these reminders.

1) If you are on the bus you need to wait at the bus pick up

2) If you are not on the bus and getting picked up on the street then you need to be waiting by the WEST supervisor. (Same goes for kids waiting on the EAST side - wait by supervisor)

3) It's been brought to our attention that Bus students have been running along the sidewalk when buses pull up - this is a huge safety concern as they could easily slip and fall into the street, especially with the ice. Please make sure bus students wait until the buses are stopped.



SCC Annual General Meeting

April 15th 7:00 pm - HPS Library